
“O Muslims Fasting is prescribed for you just as it was prescribed for those before you, that you may become fearful (of Allah)”
Since Allah ﷻ created man, Satan has vowed to lead him astray. Thus we have the enemy who has misled millions of people and who will continue to do so at every opportunity. Man has within himself two forces colliding all the time; the force of good and the force of evil. Man’s behaviour depends upon which force has the upper hand. In the month of Ramadhan, Allah I blesses us with all the means to enable the force of good to supercede the evil forces. One must therefore value every moment of this month to spiritually elevate oneself. Fasting helps us judge our strength in controlling our lust, greed and passion. It teaches us self-discipline so that we gain control over the factors which Satan uses as his tools against Man. Fasting is a weapon and just as any other weapon is useless, unless the user knows how to use it, same applies to Fasting. This book has been written with the aim of teaching Muslims how they can use the weapon of Fasting in a manner that is correct and beneficial in their war against Satan, thereby attaining the pleasure of Allah I. Fasting has been ordained during Ramadhan (the 9th lunar month). The name of this month is derived from many sources. It is worth mentioning one which is recorded in a Hadith wherein it is related from Rasulullah r that “Most certainly it (Ramadhan) burns ones sins.” Allah I has blessed us with the month of Ramadhan wherein the rebellious Shayatin are chained and one abstains from food and drink which grants one the maximum opportunity to discipline and control the Nafs.
Due to the mercy of Allah I in Ramadhan, the mosques are full, charity increases, ties of brotherhood strengthen, angers and tempers subside, and an atmosphere of peace prevails. Let us monitor the gradual regression after Eid salaah so that we may stop it in time. Psychologists agree that habits which one wishes to remove, will decrease when monitored consciously. When the dazzling temporal world envelops us, we lose concern for the Akhirah and that which took thirty days to achieve can be lost in minutes. We should therefore firmly resolve to be steadfast on the good habits acquired during this holy month.


Before proceeding with the masa’il (rules) related to Ramadhan, it is best to narrate some of the fadha’il (excellences and virtues) of Ramadhan.
Knowledge of the virtues will develop the understanding of the value and importance of this most blessed month, creating enthusiasm and Y AYYUHAL-LADH•NA MAN KUTIBA `ALAYKUMUS-SIYMU KAM KUTIBA `ALAL-LADH•NA MIN QABLIKUM LA`ALLAKUM TATTAQ N – 4 – eagerness, which in turn will result, Insha-Allah, in proper fulfillment of the laws, etiquette and demands of Ramadhan.
Abu Saeed Khudri رضی اللہ تعالیٰ عنہ narrates that Rasulullah ﷺ said : “The Doors of the Heavens are opened up on the first night of Ramadhan. Not a single door (among the doors of Heaven) is then closed until the last night of Ramadhan.
For every salaah performed (this refers to Tarawih salaah) during the nights of Ramadhan, Allah ﷻ records one and a half thousand good deeds for every Sajdah (of that salaah). In addition, for the fasting person Allah ﷻ creates in Jannah a palace of red Ya’qut (a precious stone of Jannah). This palace will have seven thousand entrances (so huge will be the entrances) in each entrance will be a mansion of gold adorned with red Ya’qut.
When a Muslim fasts the first day of Ramadhan, Allah ﷻ forgives all his sins committed from the first day of the previous Ramadhan. Daily (during Ramadhan) from the time of Fajr salaah until sunset, seventy thousand Mala’ikah (Angels) supplicate for their forgiveness.
In return for every Sajdah which the fasting person makes of any salaah, whether during the day or night, they will obtain (such a wonderful) massive tree that a horseman will take five hundred years to pass under its shade.”
O people there comes upon you a great month, a most blessed month, in which lies a night greater in reward than one thousand months. Allah ﷻ has made compulsory fasting in this month and has decreed wakefulness at night (Tarawih salaah)sunnah.
Whosoever tries drawing nearer to Allah ﷻ by performing any Nafl (optional) deed in this month, for him shall be such a reward, as if he  had performed a Fardh (compulsory) deed any other time of the year.
Moreover, whomsoever performs a Fardh, for him shall be the reward of seventy Faraidh, in any other time of the year.
This is indeed the month of patience, and the reward for true patience is Jannah; it is the month of sympathy with one’s fellow people; it is the month wherein a true believer’s rizq (provision) is increased.
Those who want to please their Lord, should in great quantity recite the Kalimah Tayyibah: ‘LA ILAHA ILLALLAH’, and make plenty ‘ISTIGHFAR’ (beg Allah’s ﷻ forgiveness). As for those, without which you cannot make do, you should beg Allah ﷻ for entry into Jannah and seek refuge with Him from the fire of Jahannam.
When the month of Ramadhan begins, the doors of Jannah are opened and the doors of Jahannam are closed and the Shayatin are chained up.
Fasting helps us to judge our strength in controlling our lust, greed and passion. It teaches us self discipline so that we gain control over the factors which Satan uses as his tools against mankind. Fasting is a weapon and just as any other weapon is useless, unless the user knows how to use it, the same is with fasting. This book has been written with the aim of teaching Muslims how they can use the weapon of Fasting in a manner that is correct and beneficial in their war against Satan, thereby attaining the pleasure of Allah I.
Even scientists agree that mankind require a rest period due to ‘mental fatigue’. Allah ﷻ, The All Knowing, The Wise, Our Creator, created us and knows that we are bodily weak, and spiritually feeble, in need of occasions to boost and recharge our weak Iman so that we may adhere to the commands of Allah ﷻ in the way shown to us by our beloved Prophet Rasulullah ﷺ.


Verily, Allah ﷻ and His angels send mercy upon those who eat Suhur. Eat Suhur because in Suhur there is barakah


The fish in the sea seek forgiveness for those fasting until they break their fast. Allah ﷻ decorates Jannah every day and then says, “The time is near when my pious servants shall cast aside the great trials and come to me.” During each day and night of Ramadhan, Allah ﷻ sets free a great number of souls from hell. In addition, for every Muslim, during each day and night, at least one du’a is certainly accepted. Insha Allah


Saum is a shield, as long as the fasting person does not tear it up. Note: Fasting is a protection from Shaytan and from Allah’s ﷻ punishment in the Hereafter. However, one who indulges in sins; such as lying, backbiting etc., whilst fasting; these sins then become the cause of the fast becoming wasted. Fasting is a shield and a powerful fortress. All good deeds are for the one who renders them, but fasting is exclusively for Allah ﷻ. I swear by that being in whose possession is the life of Muhammad ﷺ! The odour of the mouth of a fasting person is sweeter to Allah ﷻ than the fragrance of musk. Fasting is exclusively for Allah ﷻ, the reward of it (being limitless) no one knows besides Allah ﷻ. Mishkat


Whosoever gives something to a fasting person in order to break the  fast, for them there shall be forgiveness for their sins and emancipation from the fire of Jahannam, and for him (the one who gives) shall be the same reward as for them (whom they fed), without that persons (the one who was fed) reward being diminished in the least. Whoever gave a person who fasted water to drink, Allah ﷻ shall give them a drink from His fountain on the day of Judgement, where after they shall never again feel thirsty until they enter Jannah. The fasting person experiences two occasions of delight; at the time of Iftar and at the time they meet their Rabb. Prayer made by a fasting person at the time of breaking fast is accepted.


Whoever stands in prayer and worship in the nights of Ramadhan, with Iman and with sincere hope of gaining reward, all his previous sins will be forgiven. Allah ﷻ has ordained fasting in Ramadhan compulsory, and I have decreed (by the command of Allah ﷻ) wakefulness at night (tarawih, etc.) Sunnah. Whomsoever, in the state of Iman and with hope of gaining reward, fasts in Ramadhan and stays awake at night emerges from sin, purified as the day when their mother gave birth to them. For every salaah performed during the nights of Ramadhan, Allah ﷻ records one and a half thousand good deeds for every Sajdah.

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