Feed an entire family for one whole month for just £45!
Select the number of packs and pay online or transfer direct into our Sadqah Account.
Bank Name: HSBC
Account Name: SADQAH
Account No. 94242211
Sort Code: 40-37-25
International Details:
IBAN: GB06MIDL40372594242211
Branch Identifier Code |Swift Code: MIDLGB2108S
Bank Address:
49a Fishergate, Preston, PR1 8BH, United Kingdom
Feed an entire family for one whole month for just £45! Give monthly if you wish to support them throughout the year and protect yourself and yourself from adversities and harm through regular sadqah.
The food pack consists of the following items:
We will be distributing the first food packs to poor families in Pakistan during Ramadhan. These families are extremely poor. Living off just 20p per day including widows and orphans.
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