Rasulullah said: “The heart of a person who remains awake (in Ibadah) during the night of Eidul Fitr and Eidul Adha (these are the nights that precede Eid) will not die on the Day when hearts will be dead, i.e. the Day of Qiyamah”.

The nights of both Eids, i.e. the nights preceding the Days of Eid, are auspicious occassions which should be observed with reverence and worship. Rasulullah said that these nights are great occasions of Ibadah and of gaining the proximity and special Mercy of Allah. These blessed nights, should therefore not be allowed to pass by in idleness. Full advantage should be taken of these opportunities by offering obedience and Ibadah unto Allah to the best of our abilities. Istighfar (seeking forgiveness for sins), Tilawah (reciting the Qur’an), Nafl salaah, durud, etc. should be profusely offered on these blessed nights. Among the rewards which will be obtained as a result of observing the sanctity of these glorious Eid Nights, the greatest reward is the tiding conveyed to us by Rasulullah . In the above mentioned Hadith, the heart will not be overawed with terror and fear on the Day of Qiyamah when the upheavals of the day will be so fearsome that men will appear to be intoxicated.


On the Days of Eid the Takbir should not be recited aloud at the place where the Eid salaah is to be performed. To recite the Takbir aloud at the Musalla (Eid Gah) or the Masjid on the Days of Eid is a common practice. However, this practice is not appropriate nor correct. Everyone should engage themselves in Dhikr and Takbir silently.


The day of Eid is not merely a festive occasion. A Muslim acquires great rewards from and draws close to Allahif he spends the day of Eid according to the teachings of Shariah and Rasulullah .

THE SUNAN (plural of sunnah) OF THE DAY OF EID

  1. To rise as early as possible (In fact much of this night should be spent in Ibadah).
  2. To make Ghusal and use the Miswaak.
  3. To wear one’s best clothes whilst ensuring that it conforms with Shariah (Sunnah dress).
  4. To apply itr.
  5. To eat anything sweet (such as dates) before departing for Eid salaah.
  6. To go to the “Musalla” as early as possible.
  7. To give “Sadaqatul-Fitr” before leaving for the Musalla.
  8. To choose a different route when returning from the Musalla.
  9. To walk to the Musalla. However there is no harm in using any means of conveyance if the Musalla is a distance away.
  10. To recite the following Takbir while walking to the Musalla:-


  1. No Nafl Salaah should be performed in the Musalla before or after Eid Salaah.
  2. It is undesirable to perform the Eid Salaah in any other place besides the Musalla without any valid excuse.
  3. It is vitally important to listen to both Khutbah after the Eid Salaah.If for some reason the Khutbah is not audible, it is still necessary to remain seated till the Khutbah ends. NOTE: It is sinful not to listen to the Khutbah.
  4. If such an error is made in Eid Salaah which necessitates SajdahSahwa, then the Sajdah-Sahwa could be left out to avoid confusion.


  1. Make the intention: “I am performing two Rakaats Eid Salaah which is wajib with six extra Takbir which are also wajib”.
  2. After the first Takbir, fold the hands and recite the thana.
  3. Then lift the hands thrice while saying “Allahu Akbar”. After the first two times leave the arms loose and after the third fold them.
  4. Now, Surah Al-Fatiha and a Surah will be recited by the Imam and the Rak’ah will be completed like in the normal Salaah.
  5. The second Rak’ah will be performed similarly except that before going into Ruku, the hands will be lifted thrice (whilst saying “Allahu-Akbar”) and each time they will be left loose on the sides.
  6. With the 4th Takbir, the Ruku should be made.
  7. The remainder of the Salaah should be completed like any normal Salaah.
  8. Du`a should be made after the Salaah instead of after the Khutbah.


  1. If the Imam forgets to recite the extra Takbirs in the first rak’ah and if he remembers after reciting surah Al-Fatihah, he should recite the extra Takbir and repeat surah Al-Fatihah.
  2. If a person joins the Eid salaah after the Imam has completed the extra Takbirs then he should recite the Takbir of Tahrimah and immediately, the additional Takbirs, dropping the hands between the first two additional Takbirs and clasping them after the third, making sure that the hands are raised to the ears on each Takbir.
  3. Since the condition of Eid salaah is the formation of a jama’ah, a person who missed Eid salaah is unable to perform the salaah on his own. There is no Qadha for Eid salaah.
  4. A person who joins the Eid salaah after the Imam has already recited the Eid Takbir should recite the Takbir immediately upon entering the salaah. However, if he enters the salaah when the Imam is about to go into Ruku and he (the late-comer) fears that he will not be able to join the Imam in the Ruku if he stands and recites the Takbir, then he should instead recite the Takbir in the Ruku, and forgo the tasbih of the Ruku but, while reciting the Takbir in Ruku the hands should not be raised as is done when reciting the Takbir when in Qiyam (the standing posture of salaah). If the Imam emerges from the Ruku and the latecomer has not yet completed the recitation of his Takbir which he had missed then he should leave off the balance of the Takbir and join the Imam. In this case the balance of the Takbir which he could not complete are waived.
  5. If someone missed a Rak’ah of the Eid Salaah, he should fulfil it as follows: After the Imam completes the salaah, he (the one who missed the Rak’ah) should rise and perform one Raka’h on his own, reciting Qira’ah (Surah Al-Fatiha plus a Surah) first, followed by the Takbirs. The rest of the Rak’ah is then completed as usual.


Abdullah Ibn Masood رضی اللہ تعالیٰ عنہ relates that Rasulullah’s ﷺ du`a on both Eid’s were

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