Dictionary of Dreams
DICTIONARY OF DREAMS 57 her home duty, or it could mean falling into debts. If one's breasts are trans formed into iron or copper in the dream, it means loss of a child. A growth in children's bosom or breasts in a dream means an illness, festering wounds, or it could mean an ulcer. The nipple of the female breast in a dream represents one's personal wardrobe. Woman's breasts in a dream also may be interpreted to mean one's father and mother. (Also see Body ') Breathing d ifficulty: (Asthma) Experiencing breathing difficulties in a dream means boredom, annoyance, weariness or disgust. Brewery: (See Intoxicants) Bribe: (Allowance; Compensation; Reward; Skinning; Wages) A bribe in a dream represents burdens, torments and misfortunes. It also indicates one'sjealousy of others and desire to strip them of what they have. (Also see Compensation; Skinning an animal) Brick vendor: If one sees himself as a brick vendor, or if he meets a brick vendor in a dream, it means profits to be made from a business trip. Brick-kiln: (See Furnace) Bricks: (Adobe; Argillites; Plaster) In a dream, bricks mean lawful money. If they are interpreted to means a child, then they represent a miscarried fetus, or a child who may die in his infancy. I f one sees baked bricks in his dream, they represent a son who will grow to be infamous, a backbiter and who will enjoy a long life. (Also see Adobe) Bridal dower: (See Dower) Bride: Ifone sees a bride on herweddingday, dressed in herbeautiful robe, looking beautiful and adorned with flower in a dream, it means wealth in this world. If one sees himself as a bridegroom and could not see his bride or recognize her in the dream, or if she is not named or attributed to him in the dream, it means his death or that he may commit a murder. If one recognizes his bride, looks at her, and if she is named in the dream, it means that he will marry the same woman. Ifone sees himselfgettingmarried in a dream, it means that hewill gain powerequal to the position ofthat woman, her role, danger, her family's status, the meaning of her name, and her beauty. (Also see Star; Wedding) Bridegroom: (See Bride) Bridge ofthe Day of Judgement: (arb. 8.irdV This is the bridge people have to walk on after the Day of Resurrection to meet their Lord on the Day ofJudgement. The ease ofcrossing it depends on theweight ofdeeds one is carrying. Some cross like lightening, while others have to carry their burdens and move at varying paste. Walking on it in a dreammeans ajourney. If thebridge caves under one's feet in the dream, it means destruction and death. Seeing this bridge in a dream also represents knowledge, truth, believing in God's oneness and following the teachings and example of God's Messenger upon whom be peace. If one's foot slips while crossing in the dream, it means that he will miss the true path. If one sees himself walking the path in a dream, it means that he is on the right track, follows what is commanded and abstains from what is forbidden. It also means that one will undergo awesome changes, undertakes major responsibili ties and succeeds to reach safety. I fone's foot slips in a dream, it also means that he will fall into sin and deviate from the straight path. Bridge: (Benefits) Abridge in one's dream represents the pillars ofone's faith, the straight path, the Bridge of the Day of Judgement or perhaps it could mean knowledge, guidance, fasting, prayers, or any vehicle which assists one in his escape from the evils of this world or the punishment for one's sins in the hereafter. A bridge in a dream also represents a pious worshiper who patiently bears the harm people may inflict on him. I t can also mean the path to fulfill one's needs, having a high ranking connection with the governor, or it could