Dictionary of Dreams
DICTIONARY OF DREAMS 507 Trials 449 'Od 454 Vapor 458 Walking 468 Triangulum 449 Ulcer 454 Varanidae 458 Walking in the air Tribadism 449 Umbilicus 454 Vascular blockage 488 Trickery 449 Umrah 454 459 Walking on the moon Trickling sand 449 Unbalance 454 Vast control 459 488 Tricks 449 Unbeliever 454 Vat 459 Walking on water Trickster 449 Uncertainty 454 Vegetables 459 486 Tricktrack 449 Uncle's beard 454 Vehicle 459 Walking the streets Tripe shop 449 Unclothed 454 Veil 459 486 Tripping 449 Under garment 454 Veins 459 Wall 487 Trotter 449 Underground granary Vela 459 Wall Gecko 486 Trouble 449 454 Venereal disease Wallet 467 Troubled waters 449 Underground 459 Wallflower 467 Trough 449 passage 455 Venter 459 Walls of the city 467 Trousers 449 Undertaker 455 Venus 459 Walnut 467 Trout 449 Underwear 455 Verbal abuse 460 Walnut tree 467 Trowel 449 Undressed 455 Vermin 460 Wandering 468 Truce 449 Undutiful child 455 Vertical wound 460 Waning of one's Truffle 450 Uneasiness 455 Vestige 460 wealth 468 Trumpet 450 Unfinished business Veteran 460 Wanted 468 Trumpet of Resurrec- 455 Veterinarian 460 Wantonness 468 tion 450 Unfold 455 Viaduct 460 War 468 Trunk 450 Ungodly 455 Vice-regent 480 War correspondent Trust 450 Uniform 455 Viergo 460 468 Trust in God 450 Unit of weight 455 Vigilance 460 Warble fly 468 Trustee 450 Unjust ruler 455 Vilify 460 Warden 468 Trusting someone Unlawful 455 Village 460 Wardrobe 468 450 Unloading 455 Vinegar 461 Warrior's helmet 468 Truth 450 Unlock 455 Vineyard 461 Washbowl 468 Truthfulness 450 Unmarried 456 Vintage 461 Washer 468 liiba tree 452 Unseen 456 Vintager 461 Washing 468 Tuberculosis 450 Untying something Violation 461 Washing a garment Tumor 451 456 Virgin 461 468 Tunnel 451 Upholsterer 456 Virgo 461 Washing the dead Turban 451 Upholsterer's needle Visibility 462 468 Turkish 451 456 Visiting God's House Wasting money 468 Turkish bath 451 Upper room 456 in Mecca 462 Wastrel 469 Turning in one's sleep Uptight 456 Visiting holy sites Watch 469 451 Urge 456 462 Watchful 469 Turnip 452 Urinating 456 Vizier 462 Watching the stars Turquoise 452 Urine 456 Voice 462 469 Turtle 452 Urn 456 Volleyball 463 Watchman 469 Turtledove 452 UrsaMajor 456 Vomit 463 Watchtower 469 Tutelage 452 Ursa Minor 456 Vow 464 Water 470 Tutoring 452 Urticaria 456 Vulpicula 464 Water carrier 469 Twanging 452 Used clothing 456 Vulture 464 Water jug 469 Tweak 452 'Ut!:lman 457 Water level 469 Tweezers 452 Uvula 457 W Water lily 469 Twilight 452 'Uzair 457 Water mill 469 Twine 452 Water passage 470 Twist 452 V Wadi 465 Water wheel 470 Twisting a rope 452 Wages 465 Watercourse 472 Tying a knot 453 Wagtail 465 Watercress 472 Tyke 453 Vagabond 458 Waif 465 Waterfall 472 Tyranny 453 Vagina 458 Wailing 465 Watering 472 Vain talk 458 Waist belt 465 Watering a herd 472 U Vainglory 458 Waistband 465 Watering hose 472 Valley 458 Wakefulness 465 Waterless plain 472 Vanity 458 Walk around 465 Waterskin 472 Waterthrush 472