Dictionary of Dreams

506 INDEX TO ENTRIES Submission 417 Taking the road 428 Terrorization 432 Toga 438 Submissiveness 417 Talbiyyah 428 Testator 433 Toil 438 Substitute 418 Talisman 428 Testicles 433 Toilet 438 Subterranean Talkative 428 Testifying to God's Tomb 436 storehouse 418 Talking 426 Oneness 433 Tomcat 438 Suburban area 418 Tatl person 428 Testimonial greetings Tongue 439 Successors 418 Tallness 428 433 Tongues 440 Suck 416 Tallow 428 Testis 433 Tooth 440 Suckling 416 Tallow-chandler 428 Tetter 433 Toath ache 442 Suds 416 Tamarisk 428 Theft 433 Toothbrush 442 Suffocation 416 Tamarisk tree 428 Theologian 433 Topaz 442 Sugar 418 Tambourine 426 Thief 433 Torah 443 Sugar cane 418 Tan 428 Thigh 433 Torch 443 Sugar mill 418 Tangle 428 Thigh pain 433 Torn garments 443 Suhur 419 Tank 428 Thimble 433 Tornado 443 Suicide 419 Tankard 428 Thinning 433 Torpor 443 Suit of mail 419 Tanner 428 Thirst 434 Torrent 443 Suitcase 419 Tannery 429 Thorns 434 Torturer 443 Suite 419 Tanning drum 429 Thread 434 Toss 443 Suifur 419 Tap 429 Threat 434 Tourist 443 Sultan 419 Tap dancer 429 Threshing 434 Towel 443 Sun 419 Tapeworm 429 Threshold 434 Tower 443 Sun-dried bricks 419 Tar 429 Thrift shop 434 Town 444 Sunshine 421 Tarantism 429 Throat 434 Toy 444 Superciliousness 421 Tarantula 429 Throbbing 434 Tracer 444 Supermarket 421 Tarawin 429 Throne 434 Trachoma 444 Supervisor 421 Tarragon 429 Throng 435 Tracing footsteps Support 422 Tart 429 Throw 435 444 Suppository 422 Tasbib 429 Throw in the towel Trade 444 Suppressing one's Tassels 429 435 Trader 444 anger 422 Tatter 429 Throw pillow 435 Tragacanth 444 Suppressing one's Tattoo 429 Throwing 435 Trait 444 feelings 422 Taurus 430 Throwing stones 435 Trait 444 Suppression 422 Tavern 430 Thrust 435 Tramp 444 Surety 422 Taxcollector 430 Thrusting 435 Transfixed 444 Surrender 422 Tax refund 430 Thumb 435 Transformation 444 Suspicion 422 Taxes 430 Thunder 435 Transgression 445 Swaddle 422 Tayammum 430 Thunderbolt 437 Transient 445 Swagger 422 Teacher 430 Thyme 437 Translator 445 Swallow 422 Teak 430 Tiara 437 Transparent hood Swallowing 422 Tearing down one's Tickling 437 445 Swan's meat 422 shirt 430 Tides 437 Transportation 445 Tears 431 Tie 437 Transvestite 445 T Teasing bow 431 Tied-up 437 Trap 445 Teenage boy 431 Tiger 437 Trash 445 Teenage girl 431 Tight shirt 437 Trash collector 445 Table 426 Teeth 431 Tile maker 437 Traveller's pouch Table companion Telescope 432 Tiller 438 445 426 Tell a lie 432 Timber 436 Travels 445 Table of contents Telling the future 432 Timepiece 438 Treasure 446 426 Temple 432 Tinner 438 Treasure hunting 446 Tablet 426 Temples 432 Tinsmith 438 Treasure-trove 446 Tallayyat 427 Temptation 432 Tinsmithing 436 Tree 446 Tail 427 Tender 432 Tippler 436 Tree leaves 446 Tailor 427 Tennis ball 432 Tithe 438 Trellis 448 Tailoring 427 Tent 432 Tithe collector 436 Tremble 448 Take flight 427 Tent peg 432 Title 438 Tremor 449 Taking the middle Termite 432 Toaster oven 438 Trench 449 course 427 Terra firma 432 Tobacco 438 Trench coat 449 Terror 432 Toes 438 Trespassing 449