Dictionary of Dreams
DICTIONARY OF DREAMS 505 stomach 396 Solomon's ring 400 Split 407 Sting 4 1 3 Sleeping pad 396 Solving a complicated Spoils 407 Stinger 413 Sleeping together problem 401 Sponger 407 Stink 413 396 Son 401 Sponsoring a child Stir up 413 Sleeplessness 396 Song 401 407 Stockbroker 412 Sleeves 396 Songs of God's love Sponsorship 407 Stocking 413 Sleigh bell 396 401 Spook 407 Stomach 413 Slime 396 Sophistication 401 Spool 407 Stomach pain 413 Sling 396 Sorcerer 401 Spoor 407 Stone 413 Slingshot 396 Sorcery 401 Spores 407 Stone hammer 413 Slip 396 Sorrel 401 Spread 407 Stone tomb 413 Slip of a tongue 396 Sort 401 Sprinkler 407 Stonecutter 414 Slippers 396 Sound 402 Sprout 407 Stonemason 414 Slippery surface 397 Sound of animals Spur 408 Stonemasonry 414 Slipping 397 401 Spy 408 Stoning 414 Sludge 397 Sound of birds 402 Spy glass 408 Stoning to death 4 1 4 Slum 397 Sound of walking Squandering money Storage 4 1 4 Slumber 397 402 408 Storm 4 1 4 Slumberous 397 Soup 402 Squash 408 Story 4 1 4 Smack 397 Source book 402 Squeak of a mouse Stove 4 1 5 Smallpox 397 Spade 402 408 Straight razor 415 Smashing 397 Span 402 Squeaking of the door Straln 415 Smell 397 Spaniel 402 408 Strainer 415 Smelling 397 Spanish fly 402 Squill 408 Strand of halr 415 Smelling an apple Sparks 402 Stabilizer 408 Strangulation 415 397 Sparrow 403 Stableman 408 Strap 4 1 5 Smile 397 Spasmodic inhalation Staff 408 Stratagem 415 Smiling one's 403 Staircase 408 Straw 4 1 5 forehead 397 Spathe 403 Stairway 408 Straw mat 415 Smoke 397 Speaking 403 Stake 409 Strawberry mark 415 Smothering 398 Speaking in other Stale bread 409 Stream 415 Smut 398 languages 403 Stall 409 Street vendor 416 Snake 398 Spearhead 404 Stammer 409 Strength 416 Snake bite 398 Spearman 404 Stamp 41 0 Stress 4 1 6 Snake charmer 398 Speckles 404 Standing up for the Stretcher 416 Snare 399 Specks of dust 404 truth 410 Strike 416 Sneezing 399 Speech 404 Star 410 Striking 416 Snoring 399 Speech writer 404 Starling 410 String 4 1 7 Snot 399 Spell out 404 Stars 41 1 String instruments Snow 399 Sperm 404 State 41 1 416 Snowball 399 Spermaceti 404 Station 41 1 Stripped 41 7 Snuff 399 Spica 404 Station of Abraham Strive 4 1 7 Soaking 399 Spider 404 4 1 1 Stronghold 417 Soap 399 Spikes 405 Statue 41 1 Strudel 4 1 7 Soar 400 Spikes of grain 404 Status 4 1 2 Struggle 417 Sociability 400 Spinal column 405 Steak 412 Strutting 417 Social acquaintances Spindle 405 Steam 412 Stubbornness 417 400 Spindle whorl 405 Steamroller 412 Students' leader 417 Social connections Spinning 405 Steelyard 412 Stuffed fish 417 400 Spinning wheel 405 Steep indine 4 1 2 Stuffed fowl 417 Sock 400 Spireas 405 Steeping 412 Stuffed lam 417 Sodom 400 Spirits 405 Steer 412 Stuffed Turkey 417 Sodom and Spiritual gathering Steering wheel 4 1 2 Stuffing 417 Gomorrah 400 405 Stench 412 Stumble 4 1 7 Softness 400 Spiritual guide 406 Steps 4 1 2 Stump 4 1 7 Solar system 400 Spiritual leader 406 Sterile 412 Stun 417 Soldiers 400 Spittle 406 Stern 412 Stupefy 41 7 Solemn promise 400 Spleen 406 Stew 412 Stupid sprout 417 Soliciting advice 400 Spleen pain 406 Steward 413 Stupidity 417 Solomon 400 Splice 407 Stigmatize 413 Submerse 417