Dictionary of Dreams

DICTIONARY OF DREAMS Empty 1 41 Empty space 141 Enacting 141 Enamelist 141 Enamored 141 Enclosure 141 Encroachment 1 41 Encyclopedia 1 41 Endowment 141 Enemy 142 Engagement 1 42 Engineer 142 English 142 English ivy 142 Engraver 142 Enhancement 142 Enjoyment 142 Enlist 142 Enmity 142 Enoch 142 Entering a house 142 Entering hell-fire 143 Entering Paradise 143 Entertainer 143 Entice 143 Entwine 143 Enumerate 143 Envelope 143 Epidemic disease 143 Error 143 Escape 144 Escape from danger 143 Escort 144 Escrow 144 Esoteric 144 Espalier 144 Establishing the divine laws 144 Estate 144 Estrangement 144 Eternity 144 Etiquette 144 Eunuch 144 Euphrates 144 Evanescence 144 Eve 144 Evening 145 Evenness 145 Event 145 Evergreen 145 Evergreen oak tree 145 Evergreen tree 145 Eviction 145 Evil end 145 Evil sound 145 Evil spirits 1 45 Ewe 1 45 Exacting 1 45 Exalting God's Oneness 145 Examine 145 Exasperation 1 45 Excavate 145 Exchange 145 Exchanging letters 145 Excitement 146 Exclamation of God's Sovereignty 146 Excrements 146 Excrete 146 Excretion 146 Executioner 146 Exegesis 146 Exhaustion from speaking 146 Exhibition 146 Exhilaration 146 Exhume 146 Exile 146 Expel 146 Expiation 146 Explorer 146 Explosion 1 47 Exposure 147 Expulsion 147 Extinguishing a fire 147 Extirpate 147 Extracting oils from seeds 147 Extravagance 147 Eye doctor 147 Eye inflammation 147 Eye makeup 147 Eyebrows 147 Eyedropper 148 Eyelash 148 Eyelid 148 Eyes 148 Eyetooth 149 Eyewitness 149 Ezekiel 149 Ezra 149 F Fabulous being 1 50 Facade 150 Face 150 Face mask 1 50 Faint 151 Fairness 1 51 Fake jewelry 151 Falcon 151 Fall 1 51 Falling in deep waters 151 False testimony 1 51 Faltering 151 Fame 1 51 Family 152 Family support 1 51 Famine 1 52 Fan 152 Faq"ih 152 Fardh 152 Farewell 1 52 Farm 1 52 Farm pond 1 52 Farmer 152 Farmland 152 Fart 1 52 Fastening 153 Fasting 153 Fat 154 Fat person 154 Fate 1 54 Father 154 Father in-law 154 Fault finding 154 Favor 154 Fear 1 55 Fear of wrongdoing 1 55 Feast of breaking the fast 1 55 Feast of Immolation 155 Feat 1 55 Feather 1 55 February 1 55 Feces 155 Feebleness 1 56 Feeding trough 156 Feet 1 56 Feigned 156 Felicitations 156 Fellowship 156 Fellowship house 156 Felony 1 56 Felt 156 Feltmaker 156 Female Climacteric 1 56 Fencer 1 56 Fenugreek 1 56 Ferro concrete 156 Ferry 1 56 Ferryboat 156 Festival 156 Festival of sacrifice 1 56 Fetter 1 57 Fettered 1 57 Fettering 1 57 Fetus 1 57 495 Fever 1 57 Feverish chill 157 Fictitious creature 1 57 Fig 1 57 Fig tree 1 57 Fight 1 57 Figure 1 57 File 1 58 Filly 1 58 Filter 1 58 Filth 1 58 Filthy body 158 Finding a lost Object 1 58 Finding something 1 58 Finger 1 58 Finished Business 1 58 Fire 1 58 Fire iron 1 58 Fire worshiper 1 58 Fireboat 1 60 Firewood 161 Firmament 161 Fish 1 62 Fish restaurant 162 Fishbones 163 Fishery 1 63 Fishing 163 Fishing boat 163 Fishing net 1 63 Fishing pole 163 Fist fight 163 Fitting room 1 64 Five fingers 1 64 Five times prayers 1 64 Flag 1 68 Flagship 1 70 Flattery 1 70 Flea 1 70 Fledgling 1 70 Flies 171 Flint stone 1 71 Flirting 1 72 Floating in the air 1 72 Flood 1 72 Floor 1 72 Flower garden 1 72 Flowers 1 72 Fluency 1 73 Flute 1 73