Dictionary of Dreams
DICTIONARY OF DREAMS 449 Tremor: (Labor pangs; Labor throes; Quake; Shaking; Shock) A tremor in a dream representsplantsblooming,grassgrowing, vegetationssprouting, theblossoming ofgarden flowers, and the ripening offruits. If a pregnant woman sees an earth tremor in her dream, it represents labor throes. (Also see Earthquake; Shock; Tremble) Trench coat: (See Raincoat) Trench: (Defenses) I f it relates to the king or the ruler and his army in the dream, a trench then means one's men and wealth. If the trench relates to a scholar in the dream, then it represents his advisors, or his circleofintimates who support his theories. If it relates to one's wife, the trench then represents her guardian or her father. If it relates to one's son, the trench then represents his parents. Noticing a city without a trenchor a castle to defend it in a dreammeans failure to pay alms or charities, wasting money, losing knowledge, the spread of evil, or an enemy attack against that city. Trespassing: (Allurement) In a dream, trespassing means corruption, straying from God's path, denying the truth, or refusing to follow common sense. Trials: (See Trouble) Triangulum: (See Constellations) Tribadism: (See Hone; Sexual intercourse) Trickery: I n a dream, trickery means betrayal, deception, misleading others, or it could mean war. (Also see Advice; Tricks) Trickling sand: (See Hourglass) Tricks: (Conjuring; Jugglery; Magic arts) I n a dream, tricks represent deceit, chicanry, pride, artificiality, or temptation. (Also see Magician) Trickster: (See Juggler; Tricks) Trlcktrack: (See Backgammon) Tripe shop: (See Sheep; Trotter) Tripping: (Debts; Slipping; Step lightly; Stumble) To stumble by catching one's foot or hurtingone's toe in a dreammeans accumulatingdebts. Ifone's toebleeds from tripping out in the dream, it means acquiring unlawfu l or tainted money to pay other debts, or it could mean suffering a great financial loss. (Also see Walking) Trotter: (Tripes) In a dream, trotters represent an orphan's property or money. Eating trotters or licking up their marrow in a dream signifies swindling the trusted inheritance of an orphan by his guardian. Eating tripes in a dream means defrauding rich and honorable people from their monies, for a sheep is the most noble animal, comparatively speaking, after the human being. (Also see Sheep) Trouble: (Money; Temptation; Trial) In a dream, trouble mean money and money means trouble. Seeing oneself in a dream wealthy and having many children means trouble, trials and temptations. Troubled waters: Swimming in troubledwaters or in high tides in a dreammeans adversities, or having to face a strong opponent. Trough: (See Manger) Trousers: (See Paints) Trout: (See Fish) Trowel: (See Shovel) Truce: (Armistice; Cease fire; Cessation) Negotiating a truce, or witnessing one between two armies in a dreammeans cessation offear, relaxing, recovering of a sick person from his illness, caring for the wounded, extending the chances of one's survival, profits, business, marriage, rebuilding, doing good, or perform ing one's prayers.