Dictionary of Dreams

448 IBN SEERIN'S means the death of his brother or his sister in a fight. If the leg breaks in the dream, it means losing one's money. If one sees blessed trees such as an olive tree with thorns in a dream, it means that such thorns will prevent h im from wrongdoing or from falling into sin. A walnut tree in a dream represents hard earned money. Trees in a dream also represent shops, businesses, tables, festivities, servants, cattle, restaurants, money, hidden treasures, storage houses, religions or sects. Ifa stormdamages a tree, burns it, or causes it to falls in a dream, it means the death or murder ofa man or a woman. Adate or a palm tree in a dream also represents a famous person, a man of knowledge, the w ife of a king, or the mother of a president. If it is an olive tree, then it represents a man ofknowledge, a preacher, a passenger, a judge or a physician. Like that, trees are interpreted according to their substance, value, or the harmor benefit they bring, their roots, origin or age. Seeing a vineyard bearing grapes in the winter in a dreammeansthat one will be deceived by a woman or a man during a business transaction, thinking that they are rich. A quince tree in a dream represents an intelligent person who does not use his intelligence to benefit himself or others. An almond tree in a dream represents a foreigner or a passenger. Cane or reed plants in a dream represent opposition, punishment or help. A pomegranate tree in a dream represents a pious and a religious person, and its thorns represent the obstacles that could prevent him from falling into sin. A lotustree in a dream represents a noble and a graciousperson.A colocynth tree in a dream represents a good but cowardly and easily scared man who has no real devotion and fails to practice his religious duties. An oak tree in a dream represents a king, a gnostic, a poet or a fortuneteller. An indigo plant in a dream represents a knowledgeable Arab. A dried out palm tree in a dream represents a hypocrite. Ifa stormuproots a tree in a dream, it means a calamityor a plague. A banana tree in a dream represents a rich person who correctly manages his religious and his material life. Ajujube tree in a dream represents a joyful and a happy person, or it could represent power and leadership. A fig tree in a dream represents someone who benefits his family, and who treats his enemy w ith justice. A berry tree in a dream represents a generous person. A pistachio tree in a dreamrepresents awealthypersonwho alsopossess agoodhumor, and who is generous with his family and friends. A peach tree in a dream represents a correct person, though few can benefitfromhim, or it could represent a hypocrite or a handsome looking person, or perhaps a rich woman. If one pluck its fru its in a dream, it means that he will marry her. An apple tree in a dream represents a person with steadfastness and determination. A plum tree in a dream represents a rich and a courageous man. A pear tree in a dream represents a Persian who practices herbal medicine. A tamarisk tree in a dream represents a hypocrite, or it could mean a thiefwho benefits poor people and harms the rich. Abullace, a wild small plumtree, or adamsontree in a dreamrepresent someone who benefits everyone. A sycamore tree in a dream represents a good person who is steadfast in his servitude to others, though who is also firm, equitable, powerful and rich. A carob tree in a dream represents a man of little benefit to others. A lemon tree in a dream represents a beneficial person, or a rich woman who is known for her charities. (Also see Sycamore tree; Evergreen; Oak tree; Palm tree; etcetera) Trellis: (See Vineyard) Tremble: (Shake; Shiver; Tremor) Seeing one's head trembling in a dream means gaininghonor and rising in station. If one's right hand trembles or shakes in a dream, it means difficulties in earning his livelihood. If one's right leg trembles in a dream, it means profits from one's family or clan. If one's left leg trembles in a dream, it means business losses. The same applies to the trembling or the shocking of any part of one's body. (See Bodyl; Tremor)