Dictionary of Dreams

444 IBN SEERIN'S Tracker: (Spoor; Tracing footsteps) A tracker in a dream connotes divulging secrets, exposing people's private life, or he could represent knowledge, or a student who is investigatingthe works ofmasters from the past. (Also see Snake charmer) Trade: Any product that is touched by fire in the process of its manufacturing means arguments and disputes. Trader: Agarment trader in a dream represents a person who loves theworld and who is proud about his personal success in it. A milk merchant represents a knowledge seeker. A cattle trader represents an affectatious person who loves to show off. A sheep merchant in a dream may represent a good man who is intuitive and who spends his money on the path of seeking knowledge or to propagate the same. Tragacanth: (See Safflower) Trail: (See Road) Trait: (Caprice; Distinguishing quality; Temper) In a dream, a trait represents someone who is impulsive, or who has an arbitrary change ofmind, or someone who does not know rest in his work, or someone who does not know an end to his pursuit ofsuccess, or it could represent an argumentative person. The good or bad of such a character may show depending of the place, circumstance. or temper of the moment in the dream. Tramp: (See Destitute; Hobo) Transfixed: (See Eyes) Transformation: (Changing form) Transformation by substitution in a dream where one thing is converted into something else. If a withered tree is trans­ formed into a blossoming one in a dream, it means political changes, changes in worldly conditions, or reversal of conditions from good to bad, or from bad to good. This element includesthe transformation of inner substances or physical ones. For example, if sees himself as an old person in a dream, when in real life he is young, it means progress in his spiritual l ife and gaining honor. Ifhe is an old person and sees himself as a young boy in a dream, it means indulging in wrongdoing. If one sees a known old person regaining his youth, it means that the material conditions ofthe person seeing the dream will turn around to one's advantage or otherwise. i.e., richness into poverty and vice-versa, or ifhe is sick, he will recover from his illness. If one is transformed into a beautiful shoot of green or a blossoming branch of a tree in a dream, it means that he may die within a short time. Becoming taller in a dream means longevity. prosperity. or begetting a son. Ifonefindshimselfmissing partialmental keenness or physical abilities or a limb in a dream, it means that he may suffer losses relatingto his worldly interests. If a man sees himself transformed into a woman, and wears her apparels, ornaments and make-up in a dream, it means that he may suffer humiliation, adversities and abuse. If a woman sees herself transformed into a man, or if she grows a beard in a dream, it means that she will reestablish her connection with a missing child. As a man in the dream, and if she is pregnant, it means that she will beget a son whomay die in his early youth, but if she is not pregnant, itmeans that she is no longer fertile. Ifone sees himselfflyingwith wings in a dream, it means travels. If one sees himself transformed into a wooden staff in a dream, it represents his insolence. If one sees himself transformed into an iron rod in a dream, it means longevity. If one sees himself transformed into a bridge in a dream, it means that he may become a ruler, a wise man, or a man of knowledge whom people will seek to benefit from his wisdom. If a person sees his sick child turn into a bird in a dream, it means the death of the child. If one sees himself turned into a beast in a dream, it means that he will be segregated from the believers to live alone because of his evil