Dictionary of Dreams

442 IBN SEERIN'S losing one's capital, or severing relationship with members of one's family. Discovering one or two cavities in one's teeth in a dream means that one may beget one or two sons. Developing bad mouth odor in a dream means belittling someone's ideas, or it couldmean a familydispute. Fallen teeth in a dreammay denote that the husband and the wife s leep in separate beds, or it may mean poverty, or that one may die in a foreign land, or that the term ofone's life span in thisworldmay be extended. If one pulls out his teeth and buries them in the dream, it means that his entire clan or family will die before him. Pulling out one's teeth in a dream also means exposing one's secrets. Losing a tooth in a dream may imply a punishment for a wrongdoing. I f one finds the teeth of his upperj aw and those ofthe lowerjaw intermixed in the dream, it means that the women control the men in his or family. Flossing one's teeth in a dream means dispersal of one's family, or loss of money and property. If after flossing one's teeth some meat fiber remains stuck between the teeth in the dream, it means that he backbites his familymembers. If) Teeth in a dream alsorepresent a pear 1 necklace, a grinder, or an army formation. The right wing, the left wing and the front assaultformation, or they could mean severingblood ties.The incisorsmay represent the heart of a human being. Teeth in one's pocket or in the palm of one's hand in a dream represent one's brothers. If one has an incarcerated relative, and if he sees his teeth pulled out in a dream, it means the release of his relative from prison. Pulling out one's teeth in a dream could mean the return of a traveller to his homeland. Tartar in a dream represents weaknesses in the family. Black or broken teeth in a dream mean sorrow caused by one's relatives. Wisdomteeth in a dream represent one's followers, while the incisors and the canines represent his wealth, adornment , pride, or child. The changing oftheir color into yellow or black in a dream mean changes in one's life. If one's teeth turn into iron in a dream, they mean strength. Losing one's teeth in a dream also could mean losingone'sjob. Pullingout one's teeth in a dream so that no one can see them means infertility, or loss of one's business, loss of one's savings, a bad relationship with one's family, an evil act toward one's family. or it could mean that he will try to sustain his business through a loan, then suffer from bankruptcy. Having a bad tooth in wakefulness and pulling it out in a dream means trying to comfort or appease a difficult person whose hurtfulness will eventually cease. Replacing a tooth with a bridge in a dream means recovering losses, or balancing one's business. Having an extra tooth in a dream means losing one in wakefulness. (Also see Bodyl; Pain; Teeth) Toothbrush: (Boy; Broom; Employee) A toothbrush in a dream is a sign ofhygienic conditions, prosperity, purity, cleanliness, repentance, or asking someone for forgiveness. Brushing and cleaning one's teeth in a dream is also a sign ofbeing religious, a family person, a concerned relative and a generous kin. If one sees himself brushing his teeth, and if his gums bleed in the dream, it means that he will become free from his sins and curtail his evildoing, or it could mean the opposite, that is to proceed with abhorrent actions, cause harm to one's own family, steal their money, or defame them. Brushing one's teeth in a dream also could mean reservation and prudence with one's words, purifying oneself from sin, faith after disbelief, paying one's debts, doingwhat pleases God Almighty, fulfilling one's promises, a pregnancy, or a marriage. (Also see Broom) Tooth ache: (See Pain; Teeth; Tooth) Topaz: (Chrysolite; Gem) In a dream, topaz represents a good man who is courageous, well behaved, a true friend, a pious person, or a religious person. If topaz is understood to denote money in the dream, then it represents lawful earnings. Topaz in a dream also represents the substance ofspeech, the essence of knowledge, and the good quality of a true human being. Torah : Reciting the Torah but not recognizing what it is in a dream means that