Dictionary of Dreams

DICTIONARY OF DREAMS 407 S pool: In a dream, a spool means keeping one's secrets, or it could represent a gracious man, or a trustworthy person who lends his help to others and benefits them in their worldly affairs. If one sees himself carrying a spool while taking his ritual ablution in a dream, it means that he will seek the help of a righteous believer who holds fast to the rope of God Almighty. In that sense, a spool represents the element ofreligious life and the rope in adream signifies religion, which is one's connection to his Lord. Carrying a spool when performing one's ablution in a dream means that one will be permanently cured from ills and become free from debts. A spool in a dream also means an active servant, or a talkative son. (Also see Ball ofthread; Rope) S poor: (See Tracker) Spores: (See Pollen) S preadl: (See Date Spread) S pread2: (See Measure) S pread3: (See Hanging clothes) S pring: (Ascent; Creation; Fountainhead; Season) In a dream, a springrepresents money, a child who may die young, a short lived marriage, acquiring an important job that does not last, or a fast disappearing happiness. (Also see Fountainhead) S prinkler: (Water sprinkler) In a dream, a sprinkler means rej uvenation, renewal of life, revival of old practices, or extinguishing a fire. Sprout: (Garden greens; Leguminosae) A fresh sprout in a dream means distress, but if it is dry, then it means a good harvest, or clean money which is earned with joy. If one sees himself gathering a bunch of green sprouts in a dream, it denotes a warning. Ifone recognizes its substance inhisdream, interpretingthe element then goes back to its innate quality. Entering into a field of sprouts in a dream means a marriage into the family who owns that farmland, or it could mean a business partnership. If one sees himself bartering green sprouts for bread in a dream, it means aversion to poverty. Eating cooked sprouts in a dreammeans benefits in every respect. Ifone sees himselfin a dreamexchanging quails and manna (See Manna) for green sprouts and garlic, it means that he will be subj ugated to poverty and humiliation. Purslane in a dream represents someone who has exaggerated hopes. This is why this type of sprout is also called: 'Stupid sprout.' (Also see Garden herbs; Lentil) Spur: (Prick; Punch; Strike) In a dream, to spur someone means to pursue a satanic act, then be struck with fear, or run away, although one will survive and ultimately triumph over his act. Spy glass: (See Binoculars) Spy: (Diver) In a dream, a spy representsj inn (See Jinn) or an evil influence. (Also see Diver) Squandering money: (See Shearer) Squash: (See Pumpkin) Squeak of a mouse: (See Sound ofanimals) Squeaking of the door: I n a dream, squeaking of the door means an evil caused by a guard, or a fight between husband and wife, or it could mean divulging a secret. (Also see Screeching ofa pen) Squill: (Onion) I n a dream, a squill represents an obscene and corrupt person who is notorious for his pranks. Holding a squill in one's hand in a dream means seeking something that will earn him the worst reputation. Squinting of the eyes: Squintingofthe eyes in a dreammeans evil talk, or perhaps it could mean good news. Squirrel: (See Fur)