Dictionary of Dreams

DICTIONARY OF DREAMS 391 Singing: (Chanting; Song) Singing in a dream means falsehood and trouble. Having a beautiful voice in a dream may represent a profitable business. Otherwise, if one sings offkey in his dream, it means that he is venturing into a losingbusiness. A singer in a dream also represents a wise person, a preacher, or a physician. The location where the singinghas taken place in the dream will experience lies, falsehood and separation between beloveds because ofjealousy, envy and perfidy. Singing in a dream also connotes evil, disputes and fights. If a professional singer, a musician, or a music writer sees himself singing his repertoire in a dream, it means benefits and profits. Ifthe singing is bad, or off key in the dream, then it could mean lack of work, meekness, or it could mean having little opinion about oneself. Ifone sees himselfsingingwhile walking in a dream, it means earning a comfortable livelihood, being content and having a good opinion about oneself. Singing in the bathroom or under a shower in a dream means speakingunclear words, or having a dispute. I fa rich person sees himselfsinging in the streets or in amarketplace in a dream, it means a scandal, or it could carry bad connotation. If a poor person or an evil person sees such a dream, it means that he has lost his mind. If a pious person sees himself singing in the streets or in a marketplace in a dream, it means that he will witness deceit and trials. (Also see Hornet; Singer) Sin: (Inequity; Wrongdoing) To see one's movements hampered by sin in a dream means debts. To confess one's sins in a dream means dignity and honor. To commit a sin in a dream means borrowing money. Sinus congestion: Sinus congestion in a dream means a sickness that will be followed by fast recovery, comfort and rejoicing. S,iral: (arb. See Bridge ofthe Day ofJudgement) Slrius: (Constellation; Star. See Dog) S isters: (Bread) Holding two loaves ofbread in a dream means the marriage oftwo sisters to one man, one after the other. Sitting: In a dream, sitting means inactivity, idling, failure, disappointment, paralysis and for an old woman, it may mean ceasing to bear children. S lwik: (arb. See Toothbrush) Size: (See Tallness) Skewer: (Brochette; Fastener; Leaning; Piercing; Pin) Skewers in a dream mean fulfillingone's needs, satisfyingone's goals, reconciling two friends, or interced­ ing to give advantage to someone for his comfort, or they cold mean money. A skewer in a dream also represents the butler of the house, or the household servant who manages its business, teaches manyworkers their duties, arts, and commands the various interests of his employer. Skies: (Castle; Child; Firmament; Heavens; House; Mother; Oath; Ocean; Prison; Teacher; Town; Wife; Wonders) In a dream, the sky represents itself. Whatever descends from it or comes from that direction in a dream will materialize. If fire falls from the sky over people's homes in a dream, it means plagues, illness, pleurisy, smallpox, or death and destruction. If fire falls over the marketplace in the dream, it means higher prices. If it falls over the fields and farmlands in the dream, it means that the crops could either burn, freeze, or be struck by a swarm oflocusts or by other harmful insects. Ifwhat falls from the sky indicates prosperity, such as honey, oil, figs, barley, or money, etcetera, in the dream, it means a good rain and a good harvest for that year. Whatever falls from the sky ofgood or bad may represent the government and the hardships it inflicts upon the people, or the benefits it may bring them. Climbing to the sky with a rope, a ladder, or usinga staircase in a dreammeans exaltation, rising in station, good luck and support. I fone climbs without a common medium in a dream, it means fear and arrogance. I fhis intention in climbing is to spy on others in the dream,