Dictionary of Dreams

390 IBN SEERIN'S that the depositor will flunk his promise, for a sieve does not retain water. (Also see Bolter; Strainer) Sift: (See Sieve) Slfter: (See Bolter; Sieve) Sigh: A deep sigh in a dream means initiating a project which demands are cumbersome and which progress is slow and painful. In general, deep sighs in a dream indicate an involvement that will cause sufferings. Signing a loan: Signing a loan in a dreammeans beingput under a court restraint. (Also see Borrowing; Lending money; Write) Signs of the last hour: (See Resurrection) Silence: (Abstaining from reply; Desistance; Dumbness; Muteness) Silk brocade: (See Brocade) Silk merchant: Seeing him in a dream means celebrations and joy because of the beautiful colors he displays in his shop. Seeing him in a dream also may represent a social worker, a spiritual guide, or a psychologist who is expert at solving problems and promoting peace. (Also see Brocade; Silk) Silk: Seeing loose silk in a dream means being enamored, or falling i n love. If a person in authority wears silk in a dream, it represents his arrogance. Wearing yellow or red silk in a dream means a sickness. If a warrior wears one of these two colors in his dream, it means that he will be decorated for his chivalry. I f a man of knowledge is adorned with silk in a dream, i t means that he i s desirous ofworldly status, or that he will lead people astray through innovation. As for the rest of people, wearing silken garments in a dream means that one's deeds are worthy of paradise, though such a person may attain leading ranks and success in the world as well. Wearing a silken garment in a dream also means marriage to a woman from a noble lineage. Wearing a silken shawl without patterns in a dream is better than a cotton or a woolen shawl and particularly a patterned one. (Also see Silk merchant) Silkworm: (See Butterfly; Caterpillar; Worms) Silly: (See Fool; Stupidity) Silver cage: (See Marriage) Sliver: (Woman) Silver in a dream represents hard earned money or savings. I n dream interpretation, the substanceo fsilver and that ofa woman are the same. A silver coin in a dream represents a beautiful woman. Extracting silver in a dream means taking advantage of a woman. If one finds abundance of silver in his dream, it means that he will uncover a treasure. Melting silver in a dream means having an argument with one's wife that will become the talk ofthe town. Receiving silverware or silver cups as a gift in a dream means being entrusted with moneyor personal items for safe keeping. The same interpretation goes for receiving a silver mirror in a dream as long as one does not look into it. Once he looks into the mirror in his dream, it means adversities, defamation, and loss ofrespect, for only harmcould come from looking into a silvermirror in adream. Silverware, silver cups or silver pitchers, as well as the golden ones in a dream also may represent good deeds that lead to paradise, or they could mean good business and prosperity. To see expensive silver items mixed with trivial imitations in adreammeans innovation and suspiciousbehavior. Silver ornaments in a dream mean forcing one's way, or obliging a jealous person to revert the course of his actions. Buying something with silver coins ofunknown origin, or placingthem inside a silver bow I in adreammeans hiding somethingsuspicious, orreceivingsomethingas a trust that one shouldkeepwith honesty, then return it to its rightfu l owner when asked to do so. Singer: A singer in a dream represents celebrations, parties, festivals, travelling around the country, or a preacher. (Also see Singing)