Dictionary of Dreams

328 IBN SEERIN'S who controls people's livelihood. A physician in a dream also represents some­ one who provides spiritual as well as practical guidance, a social reformer, a judge, a preacher, a teacher, a tanner, or a copper. If one sees a just and a well known judge as a physician in a dream, it means that his compassion and welfare will encompass everyone in that locality. If one sees a known physician as a judge or a wise man in a dream, it means that one will become renowned, his status will rise and he will become a celebrated pioneer in his field. If he is not known to be a righteous physician, then it means that one will be visited with adversities, or it could mean that someone will die from malpractice, or it could mean persevering with daring attempts do increase one's business at the expense ofpeople's lives. If one sees a physician selling coffins or folded shrouds in a dream, one should be suspicious of him in wakefulness even if people are fascinated by his charm. Ifone sees a physician working as a tanner in a dream, it shows the physicians ingenuity, knowledge of his trade and the many people who recover from their illness at his hand. The exception to that is when the tan is spoiled, or if it has a stench, or if it is ineffective in the dream, then it means that such a physician is a crafty swagger. Physiognomy: (See Perspicacity) Pickax: (Digging) A pickax in a dream represents strength, resoluteness, or contemplating good deeds. A pickax in a dream also may represent an opportu­ nistic person who draws people to himself for selfish interests, interferes in everything, or craves wealth. (Also see Construction worker) Pickles: Pickles in a dream signify disputes, distress and rivalry. Eating pickles in a dream means distress. Seeing pickles and not touching them in a dream means financial losses. Making pickles in a dream represents someone who suffers from many diseases and serious ailments. (Also see Fruit pickle; Gherkins; Preserves) Picnic Basket: (See Food basket) Picnic: (See Earrings) Picture: Seeing one's picture on a wall in a dream means one's death and that his name will be itched on a gravestone. (Also see Paintings) Pie: (See Money; Pastry) Piebald: If one sees himself blotched with white spots in a dream, it means that he will be struck with a painful illness. Piercing a hole in a pearl: Ifone sees himselfpiercing a hole in a pearl in a dream, it means that he will give a valuable commentary on Qur'anic interpretations. (See Daniel; Nose ring) Piercing a hole: (Boring) Piercing a hole in a dream means deception. Piercing a hole in a stone in a dream means investigating someone in authority. Piercing a hole in the wall of a citadel in a dream means being obsessed with virgin girls and desiring to deflower them. Piercing in a dream also means spying, pursuing someone's tracks, desecrating one's earnings by bringing unlawful money into them, or it could mean deterioration in the conduct of one's children. Digging an underground tunnel in a city in a dream means searching for someone. Digging an underground tunnel to reach the inside of a house in a dream means trying to court a woman, exerting an irresistible influence on her, then luring her to deceive her. (Also see Tunnel) Piety: (See Prostration) Pig: (Swine) In a dream, a pig represents someone who is devoid ofhuman dignity, or someone who lacks integrity. (Also see Lizard; Transformation) Pigeon racing: (See Racing) Pigeon: (Dove; Ringdove; Turtledove) Seeing a pigeon in a dream means glad