Dictionary of Dreams
DICTIONARY OF DREAMS 325 livelihood from writing, or from working under someone in authority. A pen in a dream also represents one's manager, his controller, a cosigner, a witness in an agreement, entering into a marriage agreement, or it could represent an intelligent son who will become a famous writer. Owning a pen or receiving a one as a gift in a dream means acquiring knowledge. Then, if one proceeds to write with it in his dream, it means receiving an appointment, or occupying a position of authority. Looking at a pen one is holding in his hand and seeing another pen laying beside him in a dream denotes having a half brother, or if one's mother is pregnant, it means that she will deliver a new son. A pen in a dream also means a guarantee. If one's wife is pregnant, then if he sees a pen layingbeside an inkwell in hisdream, itmeans that shewill beget a son. Holding a pen in a dream also means making an oath. Ifone's pen is broken or scratched in a dream, it will reflect on his business, trade and livelihood. Moistening a pen from an inkwell in a dream means committing a sin. A pen in a dream also represents virtues by which one is known, or it could mean complying with a courtjudgement, or signinga court order, or it could represent a scholar, ajudge, one's tongue, a sword, one's penis, a railway, generosity, abundance, human kind, one's confidant, or winning victory over one's enemy. Ifone's pen looks in good condition in the dream, it means that one's oath or covenant is true. Otherwise, a defective pen in a dream represents a false oath, or a biased agreement. Apen in adreamalsomeans longevityandprosperity. (AlsoseeTongue) Penance: (See Atonement; Tithe collector) Pencil sharpener: (Blade) A pencil sharpener in a dream represents a good son who is envied by people. Seeing a pencil sharpener in a dream means that one will be gifted with such a beautiful son. In a dream, a pencil sharpener also represents a writer or an author. Ifone sees himselfholding a pencil sharpener in a dream, it means reconciliation with a woman with whom he has been separated for sometime. Pencil: (See Pen) Pendant: (Decoration. See Necklace) Pen ny: (Cent; Money) For a pregnant woman, pennies in a dream represent a son, or a sign of gratitude, prayers and remembrance of God, or they could mean assaulting someone, or beating him. If one receives pennies in a stack in a dream, it means that someone will place a trust with him. Pennies in a dream also mean talking. If they look new, the conversation will be meaningful. Pennies in a dream also mean solving someone's problem, or performing one's prayers. Counting pennies in a dream means valuing one's deeds. Nickels, d imes, quarters, halves, or other coins or tokens in a dream represent worldly gains and prosperity. Ifpennies are tied to one's wrist in a dream, they represent his livelihood. Owing money in a dream means that one will be summoned to testify in a court of justice. If his pennies are old, chipped, or broken in the dream, they denote a faltering faith. Losing a penny in a dream means wasting time and money, or wastingone's words, oradvisingan ignorantpersonwho will not heed his advice. If one's pennies carry the picture of a person in a dream, it means that both the carrier and the one who mints these pennies are innovators. Broken pennies in half in a dream represent an enmity that cannot be healed. Receiving money in a dream is better than giving it. If one's actual liquid asset turns into pennies in a dream, it means insolvency or bankruptcy. If one's little money grow in a dream, it means prosperity. (Also see Cent;Money) Pepper: (Black pepper; Hot pepper) Pepper in a dream represents security money that insures the capital investment. Eating pepper in a dream means drinking a lethal drink or a bitter tasting medicine, or falling victim to a bad spirit, or earning money with commendation though through hard work. Pepper in a dream also means money if it is not used as food. Otherwise, if one eats pepper