Dictionary of Dreams
318 IBN SEERIN'S to-door salesman. Pandering in a dream also means giving a false testimony. (Also See Driver1; Primp) Panther: (See Lynx) Panties: (Underpants; Underwear) If one discovers some wetness in his under pants in a dream, it means that his wife is pregnant. If one defecates in his underpants in a dream, it means a fight with his wife after which he will pay her something he owes her, or it could mean a fight that will end in divorce. If one wears his underpants inside-out in his dream, it means that he indulges in the loathsome and forbidden act of anal intercourse with his wife. If one sees himself wearing his underpants without the underwear shirt in a dream, it means poverty. Wearing fancy underpants in a dream means travels, or financial growth. Wearing new underpants in a dream means protecting one's chastity. Giving away one's old underpants in a dream means relief from difficulties. (Also see Underwear; Pants) Pants: (Panties; Trousers; Underpants) In a dream, they represent a firm person who manages his affairs carefully. Wearing a new pair ofpants in a dream also means that one will find a new job. (Also see Panties) Paper: (Notebook; Record; Parchment) A sheet ofpaper in a dream represents an oath, a vow, or a pledge. Writing a note on a piece of paper in a dream means being ungrateful and perfidious toward others. A writer in a dream also represents someonewhoisburdened, pressured, doubtfulanduncertain, whereby, writing has become his escape goat and a way out ofhis depression. If one's boss gives him apaper towrite somethingon it in a dream, itmeans that he will solicit something from his boss and eventually receive it. Ifone feels uncertain about some people then sees himself holding a pen and a piece of paper in a dream, itmeans that his obscuritywill be replaced with clarity. Holdinga piece ofpaper in a dream also means attainingone's goal, orcompletinga project, or finalizing a program. A paper salesman in a dream represents someone whohelps cunning people do their tricks. (Also see Notebook; Paper; Write; Writer) Papermaker: (Parchment; Tree) A papermaker in a dream represents a person of knowledge, wisdom, guidance and eloquence. Papers: (Books; Credentials; Letter; Newspaper; Records; Revelations; Scrolls; Studies) Papers in a dream represent witnesses, guidance, spiritual leaders, knowledge, warnings, or glad tidings. Holding papers in a dream means glad tidings and celebration. Ifa woman hands someone a piece ofpaper in a dream, then one may expect good news to arrive from one moment to another. If the woman who hands him the paper covers herself with a veil in the dream, it means that he should be carefuL Carrying a folded piece of paper in a dream means that one mayhave an accident that could be the cause ofhis death. Ifone sees himselfcarryingapaper in his left hand in adream, itmeans thathe regrets something he did. Writing a paper with the left hand in a dreammeans writing poem, or committing abominable actions, or that one will beget a son from adultery. If a God fearing person sees himself looking at a paper written in a language he cannot decipher in a dream, it means that he will face humiliation or suffer from distress. Ifone is offered a wrappingpaper and he finds a newborn babywrapped inside it in a dream, it means that he will hire a servantwith some strings attached to his employment. Ifone is given a newspaper, or a document but does not care to read it in his dream, it means that he may receive an inheritance. Ifone reads the title page ofa newspaper in a dream, it also means that he may receive an inheritance. If he quickly browses through it in his dream, then it means debts. To see one's records of the Day ofJudgment open before his own eyes in a dream, it denotes his faith, certitude, lack ofdoubt and true belief in what God's Messenger, upon whom be peace, brought from his Lord. (Also see Book; Letter; Paper; Reference book; Write; Writing)