Dictionary of Dreams
DICTIONARY OF DREAMS 29 Bank draft: (See Bill ofexchange) Banknote: (Dollar; Money) A banknote in a dream represents a pure intention, a beautiful son, a treasure, an agreement, a consent, deputyship, devotion, straight path, swearing in, testimony or wisdom. Losing a banknote in a dream means losingone'sson ormissingone's prayers. Ifone sees himselfmoving piles of banknotes to his house in a dream, it means that money will be delivered to his hand. Though banknotes are blessings and they are what people need, nevertheless, theyare also Satan's arrows. If one sees himself handling a large quantity of banknotes in a dream, they mean trusts he receives for saving or as a business. I f one sees himself holding a banknote in his hand in a dream, it means that he has entrusted something to a friend who will deliver it back to him on demand. A counterfeit banknote means illegal money or income from unknown source. A banknote carrying the denomination five, represents the five time daily prayers in Islam. If one loses one in the dream, it means that he neglects his required prayers. In some interpretations, banknotes represent a book. They also represent benefits to a poor person. Perhaps banknotes in a dream could represent the punishment of a hypocrite, or a person who respects no commitment toward his friends, or perhaps they could represen t a beloved, mutual support, helping others, or good news. Common denominations such as one hundred represent workingfor the government. Ifoneseeshimselfreceiving a coin ofmoney, or a banknote (e.g. One dollar), it means that he is sufferingfrom oppression. Ifone sees himself giving someone a banknote ofthe denomination one, then ifhe finds it shred'ded into pieces in the dream, it represents a severe enmity, a grievance, or a fight. If he finds it thrown to the floor in the dream, it signifies heavy fighting between two people. (Also see Money) Bankruptcy: Bankruptcy in a dream signifies both material and spiritual losses. If a sick person sees himself bankrupt in a dream, it means that he is approaching his death, or it could mean loss of his property or changing one's trade into a job of lesser importance. (Also see Fraudulent bankruptcy; Slave) Banner: (Beacon; Distinguished; Excellence; Flag) Abanner in a dreamrepresents public knowledge, fame, presidency, laurel of victory, a man of knowledge, an Imam, or an ascetic who is vigilant and courageous, or a rich and a generous man, or a strong and a victorious hero whose example is loved and followed. If the banner is red, then one will reap happiness from the person it represents, or he may engage in a war against him. As for a woman, a banner in a dream represents her husband. Ifone sees banners flying during a parade, they mean rain. If the banners are black in the dream, theymean that one will meet a man ofknowledge. Ifthebanners arewhite, then they represent ajealous person who will never be married. If they are yellow, they represent an epidemic disease. If they are green, they mean a journey by land. A banner or a flag in a dream also means that one will be wrapped in ambiguity in relation to a particular matter and he will not find a wayout. If one sees a flag and abrigade in a dream, it means that he will be able to find his way through the difficulties and overcome his sadness and adversities. His heart will have peace and his path will open before him. If the flagrepresents a country in the dream, itmeans that one may visit such a country. If a woman sees herself burying three banners in a dream, it means that she will marry threemen who belong to the noble class of the society. Such three people will d ie one after the other. As for a pregnant woman, a flag in a dream means a son and for an unwed woman, it means a husband. A large banner in a dream means rain and winds. The carrier of the flag is usually interpreted to represent a judge. If one sees himself carrying a banner in his dream. it means that he is seeking the seat of a judge. (Also see Army's flag: Flag) Banquet: (Ceremonial dinner) Attending abanquet or giving abanquet in adream