Dictionary of Dreams
284 Monitor lizard: (See MonitorZ) Monltorl: (See Assistant teacher) IBN SEERlN'S Monltor2: (rool. Lizard; Monitor lizard; Varanidae; Varanus Niloticus) A monitor lizard in a dream represents a vile, mean and a contemptible enemy who has little determination, though he is feared, and who is short of proof. Monk's cell: (See Hermitage) Monk: (Abstinence; Asceticism; Bat; Celibacy; Extremism; Fear; School ofthought) Living a monastic life in a dreammeans walking away from common traditions. Becomingamonk in a dreammeans receivingpraises, respect, orcommendation, though one will become uptight because of it, or have limited resources, little money, lives meekly, have constant fears, or it could mean hiding away from people. Monkey: A monkey in a dream represents someone with every type of faults. Fighting with a monkey and beating him in a dream means falling sick then recovering from one's illness. Ifthe monkey wins the fight, then it means falling to an illness that has no cure. A monkey in a dream also represents a sinner and a criminal. Monkey's bite in a dream represents a fight or having an argument with someone. A monkey in a dream also represents a deceitful person, a sorcerer, or an illness. If one becomes a monkey in a dream, it means profiting from sorcery, or engaging in adultery. A monkey in a dream also represents a defeated enemy. Riding on the back of a monkey in a dream means winning a war against one's enemy. Eating monkey'S flesh in a dream means suffering from depression, becomingpoor, alcoholic, deprived, or suffering from an illness that could lead one near his death. Ifone is offered a monkeyas a gift in a dream, it means that he will defeat and capture an enemy, or it could mean that he will betray a trust. Carrying a monkey over one's shoulders in a dream means stealing something from one's house, or something that belongs to his family. A monkey in a dream also represents a filthy and a loathsome person. Owning a monkey in a dream means suffering major losses in one's life. A monkey i n a dream also means committing a sin, disobedience t o God's commands, o r becoming despised. (Also see Gibbon) Monogram: (Crafty; Cunning; Embroidering) A craftsman who applies a mono gramor embroiders a garment in a dreamrepresents a cunningand a craftyman of knowledge. (Also see Embroiderer) Monster: (See Beast) Month: (See Arabic months) Monument: (Edifice; Imposing structure) In a dream, a monument means lies, falsehood, arrogance, or destruction. An imposing monument in a dream also may mean spiritual guidance. Mooi ng of a cow: (See Sound ofanimals) Moon : (Reverie; Satellite) The moon in a dream represents a just ruler, his chief minister, agreat scholar, a handsome looking boy, a tyrant, or a liar. Seeing the moon as it is in the skies in a dream represents the chiefminister of the land. Seeing the moon sitting in one's lap in a dream means getting married. Sitting in the moonlight and talking to one's friend in a dream means reverie and idle talk. Ifawoman sees thatthemoon has fallen inside her house, then ifshe takes it and wraps it in a swaddle in a dream, it means that she will beget a son who will shortly die after his birth and she will suffer great sorrow from his loss. Seeing themoon turned to thedark side in a dream means dismissal ofthe chief minister from his post. Seeing the moon advancing before the sun in a dream means that the chief minister will rise against his master. If the moon disap pears in the skies in a dream, it means that one's business has come to a halt, or that something he has asked for will not materialize, whether it be good or