Dictionary of Dreams
252 IBN SEERIN'S he is a liar. Ifone sees the thighs ofa womanhe recognizes in the dream, it means that he will marry that woman or a friend ofhers. Hairy legs in a dream mean debts, or that one may die in a prison. If one sees his leg twisted in a dream, i t means that he will commit adultery. Legs i n a dream also represent man's wealth or his livelihood. In that sense, if one's legs turn into iron in a dream, it represents a lastingprosperity. Ifhis legs turn into wood in a dream, it means that he will grow weaker and unable to earn for himself. If one's legs become glass or pottery in a dream. it means that he may die shortly, and that his property and wealth will be distributed to his heirs. If one finds his leg shorter than usual in a dream, it means that he will lose some of his money. Ifonewalks on one foot in a dream, it means that he will lose halfofhis wealth. Ifboth legs are amputated in a dream, it means that he will lose everything he has. If one's legseems fat in the dream, it denotes a good financial standing, or it could mean buying a good car, or receiving a pleasing gift. If a woman sees herself having hairy legs in a dream, it means humiliation or a trick that she will play before her husband, or that her private life will become public knowledge, or that she will receive spiritual guidance after that she lived in heedlessness. A leg in a dream also denotes hardships. If one sees his legs banded or tide together i n a dream, it means fear, poverty and adversities. Exposing one's legs in a dream means abandoningprayers, and it could mean humiliation. Legs in a dream also signify writing, admonition, advice, reading a book, wisdom, one's rank. plea sure, pitfalls, fault in advising, or wrong interpretation of religious matters. (Also see Foot; Thigh) Legal guardianshIp: (Custodian; Trustee) If one receives instructions from a testator in a dream, it has six interpretations: either that what he is told is true, or that hemaybe put in charge of an important project. thus, it represents rising in rank, increase in knowledge, celebrating forty years of age, a blessing of a spiritual attainment. or protection from sin. (Also see Sponsorship) Legendary bird : (See Griffin) Legist: (arb. Faqi'h; Religious scholar; Scholar; Theologian) A legist in a dream represents intelligence, awareness, knowledge and seeking to study different branches of religious knowledge. Seeing a legist in a dream also represents a physician, repentance from one's sins, or receiving guidance on the straight path. (Also see Masjid; Mosque; Scholars) Legume: (See Garden herbs; Lentil; Sprouts) Legumlnosae: (See Garden herbs; Lentil; Sprouts) Lemon tree: A lemon tree in a dream represents a man who serves and benefits others, or a auspicious and a pleasant woman who also has an eccentric opinion about herself. (Also see Lemon; Lime; Tree) Lemon: Eating a lemon in a dream means blame or falling sick. However, if one sees a lemon and does not eat it in the dream, then it means money. Giving someone a lemon in a dreammeans criticizinghim, or it could mean a bust, total loss, or a bad deal. (Also see Lemon tree; Lemon; Tree) Lending money: Lending an object or lendingmoney to someone in a dreammeans profits of equal value. (Also see Borrowing; Loan) Lent: (See Fasting; Ramadtin) Lentil: (Sprout) In a dream, lentils represent lawful money if sprouted, or they could mean depression, or earning loathsome money. Leo: (astr. See Moon) Leopard : (See Tiger) Leprosy: (A blood disease; An infectious skin and nerve affecting disease; Albino) To see oneself as a leper in a dream means that one may receive an inheritance, money, or a garment without ornaments. Leprosy in a dream also means