Dictionary of Dreams

250 IBN SEERIN'S Whatever shape the lane takes in one's dream, one will see the same in wakefulness. Following that trail ofthinking, walking a lane in a dream means suffering the wrong treatment of a merchant, a person in authority or a craftsperson. An open road in a dream means that one may work for someone in the government. (Also see Alley; Road) Language teacher: (See Engraver; Language; Teacher; Writer) Language: (Tongue; Speaking; Speech) Speaking the language of another people in a dream may represent their country or culture. SpeakingArabic in a dream means honor and dignity. Speaking Persian in a dreammeans associatingwith a higher class ofpeople and benefitingfrom them in business. SpeakingHebrew in a dreammeans receivingan inheritance. SpeakingTurkish in a dreammeans hearingpleasingwords. Speaking Italian in a dram means eagerness to amass money. SpeakingFrench in a dreammeansdrawingbenefitsfromone'sprofession. Speaking English in a dream means love for the world. If one can speak in all tongues in a dream, it means that he will acquire wealth, strength and fame. (Also see Reading; Speaking) Languid: (See Log) Languor: (See Lassitude) Lantern: (Housekeeper; Light) The lantern of a house in a dream represents the housekeeper or a woman. (Also see Lamp; Minaret) Lapidate: (Stoning to death. See Stoning) Large hall: (See Hall) Lark: (zool.) A lark in a dream represents a little boy. Lashing: (Beat; Hit; Whip) Lashing someone with a whip in a dream means speaking ill of him, or slandering him. If he bleeds in the dream, then it means business losses. (Also see Beating) Lassitude: To see oneself in a state of listlessness or stillness in a dream is a sign of deviating from one's intention and goal. It also means depleting one's resources, or the conclusion of his life. Last Day: (Also see Day ofResurrection; Reckoning; Trumpet ofResurrection) Lasting Dynasty: (See Donkey) Latch: (DooIjamb; Door latch) A door latch or a doorjamb in a dream represents a door attendant, a guard dog or a servant. Latent: (See Log) Laughing: Laughing in a dream means happiness and joy in wakefulness, except ifone bursts with a horselaugh or falls over his back from laughing in his dream. If so, then it means crying. If one's laughter in his dream is caused by a joke, then it denotes his dishonesty. The same goes for laughing by imitation in a dream which means falling into sin. Laughing in a dream also could mean sorrow in wakefulness. Laughing in a dream also means that one will receive news about a newborn son. If one's laughter in a dream is as gentle and soft as a smile, then it denotes his good character and means happiness, or it could denote exactly what he shall see in wakefulness. Ifone sees the earth laughing in a dream, it means a good harvest in that land. If one sees a deceased person laughing in a dream, it means that he is in paradise, and enjoying the blessings ofthe hereafter. Laughing in a dream also represents lightheadedness, frivolity andbuoyancy. This isparticularly true when it denotes capable people, or people in authority, where laughing in a dream could mean their dismissal fromoffice. (Also see Crying; Laughter) Laughter: (Menstruating) Uncontrollable mirth in a dreammeans a misdeed that one desires to eliminate but to no avail. Ifone does control his hilarity, or even ifhe repents, hewill fall again into the samemisdeed. (AlsoseeMenstrualperiod)