Dictionary of Dreams

DICTIONARY OF DREAMS 249 with a lamp during the night in a dream means observing a night vigil and prayers. If such a person is religious by nature, then it represents benefits. Otherwise, it means that he will see wonders. Carrying a lamp at night in a dream also means repentance from one's sins. Carrying an unlit lamp, candle, or torch in a dreammeans business losses, orproblems at theworkplace. If one sees a lamp filled with oil that does not burn in a dream, it means sorrow and distress. (Also see Lamp stand; Wick) Lamp2: (Housekeeper; Lamp ' ; Steward; Wick) In a dream, a lamp represents a steward, a housekeeper or a butler. If the oil burns up in one's dream, it means thedeath ofany ofthe above. If a spark falls on a piece ofcotton fabric and burns it in the dream, it means that he or she will face a mishap. If the lamp is put off in the dream, it means that a sick person in that family will soon die from his illness, or that the family will receive news of the death of a relative. Lance: I n a dream, a lance represents a branch of wood, stability based on one's strength, or stepping away from the wrong path. A lance in a dream also represents a woman, a child, testifying to the truth, or going on a journey. A lance in one's hand in a dream represents a grand son or a blessed son who will grow to preside over people and defend themwith his own life. A broken lance in a dream represents an incurable deficiency or a disease that will inflict one's child. Carrying a lance while riding a horse in a dream means authority with honor. If someone denies his ownership of a lance in a dream, it means an accident or a betrayal. Ifthe lance belongs to a brother, then it means a calamity. Ifone does repair a broken lance in a dream, it means recoveringfrom an illness. A lance without a spearhead in a dream means the death of one's brother or child. A lance in a dream also represents a brother or a friend who will part with his brother or friend, or it could mean loss of one's job. Walking with a lance in one's hand in themiddle of a marketplace in a dreammeans walkingor strolling with one's son. As for a pregnant woman, a metal lance means that she will delivera girl, and that she will receive agift ofmoneyor a present after herbirth fromother daughters. Carrying a lance with a flag raised on top of it in a dream meanS'attaining a position that will earn fame. Ifone is challenged by someone holding a lance against him in a dream, it means that someone will hurt him with his words, or slander his family. Owning an extra lance in a dream means havinga brother or a friend who will stand for one's defence when needed. A long spear means injustice, or it could mean good health. If one bleeds from a wound caused by a lance in a dream, it means that he will be compensated for pain and suffering, or that hewill return home from a longjourney. Multiple wounds from a lance in a dream mean financial compensation, though the source of money is loathsome. Fighting one's enemies with a lance means earning dirty money. A person holding a lance in a dream also represents a teacher, an educator, or someone who helps his brothers and friends. (Also see Javelin) Lancet: In a dream, a lancet represents a slanderer. To cause a horizontal cut to someone with a lancet in a dream means backbiting him, slandering him and causing enmity between people. If the wound is vertical in the dream, then it means speakingwell of someone and bringingpeople's hearts together. (Alsosee Javelin; Lance) Land: (See Earth) Landmark: (See Milestone) Landscaping: (See Earth) Lane: (Avenue; City gates; Path; Road; Trail) Seeing a lane in a dream is like seeing the city's gates. If it is closed during the daylight time i n the dream, it means that an accident will take place inside the city or at the end of the lane, and that such an accidentwill necessitate the closingofitsgates, or the blocking of the lane. A lane in a dream also represents a servant or cohabitation.