Dictionary of Dreams
248 IBN SEERIN'S journey. A small lake in a dream represents a rich woman, or a woman with a military spirit, or a woman who likes to be approached. Lamb: In a dream, a lamb represents one's son. If one sees himself slaughtering a lamb in a dream, it means that either his son or the son ofone of his relatives may shortly die from an illness or an accident. If one is offered a lamb as a gift in a dream, it means that he will beget a noble and a blessed son. If one sees himself eating lamb in a dream, it means that he will earn his money through such a son. If one sees himself herding sheep in a dream, it means that he will profit from a blessed money and acquire honor and fame thereafter. (Also see Sacri(u:e) Lameness: To walk lamely in a dream means concealing God's favors and blessings for selfish reasons, or pretending to be poor when in fact one is rich, or claimingtobe inneedwhen his claims are false, or itcouldmean cunningness, deceit and fraud. (Also see Limping) Lamenting: (Mourning; Wailing; Yowling) Lamenting and desiring something in a dream connotes evil. Lamentation in a dream also represents a preacher or it could represent a putrid odor that comes from opening the door of a filthy lavatory. Lamentation in a dream also represents dogs'yowling, drum beating, the ringing sound of cymbals, or it could mean a wedding. Sitting in a place wherepeopleare lamentingandmourningtheir dead in a dreammeans that an ominous evil maytake place in that locality, or perhaps it could mean separation between families and friends. If one sees himself mourning a deceased person in a dream, it means that harmwill come to him from the descendents or family of the departed person. Lamenting with great pain and sorrow and mourning over a deceased person in a dream also means waking up to a great joy and happiness. Lamenting in a dream also means adversities which are driven by the person who is lamenting. It also means going astray, or it could denote a flute, as the flute denotes lamenting in a dream. Lamenting in a dream also represents the work of ignorance. Lamp stand: In a dream, a lamp stand represent humankind and their character istics. The lamp itself represents one's soul, the oil represents one's blood, and the wick represents his temperature. Once the wick is used up, and the oil is burned in thedream, it means one'sdeath. Ifone sees the wick ingoodcondition, and the oil clean and radiant in the dream, it means that he will enjoy a life of purity and happiness. If thewick is black and the oil is murky in the dream, it means experiencing a wretched life. If the stand itself has some deficiencies in the dream, it means an illness in one's body. If the stand is strong and clean, it means that one's body and blood are free from illness. A broken lamp stand in a dream represents a terminal illness. (A l s o see Lamp I; Wick) Lampl: (Candle; Flame; Light; Torch) I f a pregnant woman sees herself carrying a lamp in a dream, it means that she will beget a son. As for a sick person, a lamp represents his life. If the lamp is dimmed in the dream, it means his death. I f one sees himselfrepairing a lamp i n a dream, it means that he will recover from an illness. A lamp with a weak battery, or low electrical current represents health problems for a pregnant woman. A strong lamp that lights one's entire house denotes righteousness in that house. If one turns offthe light in his house in a dream, it denotes the suspicious character of the owner, his financial troubles, his death, the death of a father, a mother, a wife, a child or a sick person. Ifonesees a sick person rising to the sky and carryinga lamp in a dream, it means the returnofhis soul to its Lord. Ifone draws light from someone else's lamp in a dream, it means that he will acquire knowledge. Extinguishing the light ofanoil lamp in adreammeans attempting toconceal the truthbyopposing a truthful witness, yet he will fail to win his case. Carrying a lighted lamp in the daylight in a dream represents a religious and a righteous person. Walking