Dictionary of Dreams

DICTIONARY OF DREAMS 235 glad tidings of a great reward from God Almighty for one's deeds. However, if the scale ofjustice tilts to the opposite direction, then it represents a warning from God Almighty for one to repent ofhis sins, or abandon his involvement in a sinful ventures. If one sees the judge weighing pennies or bad monies in the scale of justice, it means that one will give a false testimony which will be accepted. If one sees himself as a judge, a wise man, a scholar, or a righteous man in a dream, it means that he will attain fame, good reputation, ascetic detachment and spiritual knowledge ifhe qualifies for that. Ifone is not suitable for such blessings, then it means that he will be falsely accused of a crime, or that hemaybe robbed duringa trip. Ifajudge lookscheerful in a dream, itmeans glad tidings. Seeing the bench of a judge in a dream means a scare or a fight. Seeing the seat of rulers, judges, speakers, scholars, or teachers in a dream means disturbance, sorrow, money, business losses, sickness, depression, or the surfacingofhidden secrets. Ifa sick person sees himselfstanding before ajudge in a dream, it means his death. However, if the case is decided to his favor in the dream, it means that he will recover from his illness. If one who is facing adversities sees himself sitting in the judges bench in a dream, it means that he will triumph. An unknown judge in a dream represents God Almighty. A known judge in a dream represents a physician. Jugular vein: If one'sjugular vein splits open and blood gushes forth from it in a dream, it means one's death. Ajugular vein in a dream also represents a strong covenant, or tying a kerchiefover one's head during a hot and a hard-working day. (Also seeAorta; Veins) Jug: (See Waterjug) Juggler: (Conjurer; Illusionist; Prestidigitator; Trickster) In a dream, a juggler represents amusement, distraction, a sleight of hand, sarcasm, mockery and lies. A juggler in a dream also represents a prostitute, an adulteress, a procuress, or a servant. (Also see Juggling) Juggling: (Conjuring; Magic arts; Sleight of hand; Tricks) In a dream, jugglery means deceit, pride, artificiality and a temptation. (Also see Magician) Juice: (Grapes; Sugar cane; Wine) Pressinggrapes to make wine in a dreammeans prosperity and a good harvest. The same interpretation is given for pressing sugar cane or other fruits. Ifa poor person sees himselfpressinggrapes to make wine in a dream, it means that he will prosper. If one sees everyone pressing grapes to make wine, or pressing olives for their eating oil in a dream when the economic conditions are down in one's homeland, it means economic recovery. I f a scholar or a student on the path, or a prisoner sees that, it means that they will escape from a potential danger. If a lender sees that, it means that he will recover his money from people. Ifa student on the path sees that, it means that he will succeed in his quest for knowledge. Ifa bachelor sees that, it means that he will get married and have many children. Making wine in a dream means good luck with one's acquaintances, or earning unlawful and tainted money. (Also see Extracting oils from seeds) Jujube tree: In a dream, a jujube tree represents a handsome looking wise man. (See Buckthorn; Jujube; Lot tree; Tree) Jujube: (Fruit) In a dream, ajujube fruit represents a noble, strong and a cheerful person who benefits people at large, and who is firm and patient in the face of adversities. Sucking thejuice ofajujube fruit in a dream means gaining power. I n a dream, ajujube fruit alsorepresents the fingers ofa woman who had applied henna to her hands for a wedding or for a religious ceremony. (Also see Henna; Jujube tree) July: (See Earthquake; Thunder) Jump: To jump from one place into another out of fear or with haste in a dream