Dictionary of Dreams
222 IBN SEERIN'S with her in a dream, it means that he will engage in a commerce without a capital. Imprecation: (See Spit out) Impurity: (arb. Junub. A state ofritual impurity that inhibits performance ofone's prayers. Feces; Semen; Urine) In a dream, to be in a state of ritual impurity means that one is avoiding to comply with fundamental religious obligations. According to Islamic traditions, one must have ablution even ifwhen pursuing any ofhis daily interests. Ifone sees himselfperforming his prayers without the required ritual ablution in a dream, it means corruption in his religious practices, though it also could be interpreted as committing oneself to serve God's religion. Being in a state of ritual impurity in a dream also could mean confusion. If one sees himself in such a state and finds no water to perform his ablution in the dream, it means adversities and inability to sustain one's needs in this world, or to satisfy one's aspirations in the hereafter. Washing oneself or washing one's clothes of impurity in a dream means paying someone his due rights. In-laws: (Adversities; Benefits; Brother in-law; Distress; Father-in-law; Mother in-law; Profits; Son in-law; Stress) Having in-laws in a dream for someone who does not have in-laws means strength, peace and tranquility. Inactive: (See Log) Inattentiveness: (Absent-mindedness; Distraction) I nattentiveness in a dream represents worries and trouble, misplacing things, or it could mean heedless ness. Incantation: (See Amulet) Incense burning: (See Aloe perfume; Civet; Incense; Frankincense; 'Ud) Incense: Perfuming oneself with sweet incense in a dream means having a good friendship. An incense burner or holder in a dream represents a certitude that is praiseworthy. Perfume in adreambasicallymeansgood, though to abedridden person it means death. This category includes: amber, henna plant (Lawsonia inermis, bot. ), or fumigating oneself with sweet incense, though there is a danger that could arise from the smoke in the dream. Perfuming oneself with amber in a dream means increase in earnings that will come through the labor of a rich person who is associated with the one seeing the dream. The seeds of any dark colored perfume such as carnation, clove, or their powder, etcetera, means receiving praises. The elements encompassed herein include: richness after poverty, knowledge after ignorance, peace with one's adversaries, bribery, divulging one's secrets, ingratiating oneself to a superior for personal gains, or adulation. Incense in a dream also represents the heat of one's love or passion. In a dream, perfuming oneselfwith incense also means using an amulet or a charm to repel jealousy, or to break through the stratagem of sorcery. Incense in a dream also means using charm to bringpeace, tranquility and profits ifone intends so in his dream. (Also see Aloe perfume; Civet; Frankincense; 'Ud) Inch: (See Measure) Incisors: (See Tooth) Incite: (Entice; Induce; Lure; Urge) Inciting someone to work for his livelihood, or to impel one's animal todrive faster in adreammeans heedingadmonition. (Also see Prompting) Incline: (See Ascent) Incomplete Job: (Unfinished business) An incomplete job in a dream signifies joblessness, inactivity, indolence, or it could mean an unattainable desire for leadership. An incompletejob in a dream also means despair. (Also see Finished business)