Dictionary of Dreams

186 IBN SEERIN'S gnostic. On the other hand, a gem polisher in a dream may also represent evil, belligerence, hesitation, or travels. A stone polisher in a dream represents someone who offends or injures people's feelings with his words. Gemini: (astr. See Moon) Gems of the eyes: (Children) . Gems: (Jewel; Son. See Counting gems; CarneUan-red,' Sapphire,' Zircon) Gemstone: Owninga gemstone in a dream could mean buyingone in real life. (Also see Carnelian-red; Ring) Genealogist: (See Linguist) Generosity: (Horse; Kindness) Generosity or openhandedness in a dream means acknowledgment of God's favors and expressing one's gratitude for them. Generosity in a dreamalso could represent the return tonoble thinking, proper moral conduct, good character and finding guidance after heedlessness. Geomancy: ( See Divination) Getting lost: (See Lost; Wandering) Getting married: (See Grave) Sib,alb: (arb. Unseen. See Five times prayers) Ghee: (Butter; Purified butter) In a dream, ghee represents knowledge, spiritual excellence or purity of faith that is free from doubt. Ghee in a dream also could represent awoman whocan win people's hearts, though she exaggerates a little in her expressions of friendliness. If a woman sees herself unusually fat in a dream, it means that a swagger will take advantage of her. When ghee is seen in a bowl in a dream, it means knowledge, spiritual awakening for the right people, medicine for a sick person, or it couldmean his recovery. Extractingghee from butter in a dream means lawful and blessed earnings, prosperity, comfort, and healthy living. Gherkins: (Cucumber; Small pickle) Gherkins in a dream represent a son who looks like his father and mother and acts like them. (Also see Pickles; Preserves) Ghost: (Phantom; Spook) A ghost in a dream represents money earned from a friendly person. If a pregnant woman sees a ghost in her dream, it means that she will give birth to a son. (Also see Mirage) Sib,usul: (See Ritual bath) Giant: (Aggrandizement; Colossal; Death; Hulk; Magnification) If one sees his body grown to be gigantic and beyond the normal size in a dream, it means his death. G ibbon: (Monkey; Primate) A gibbon in a dream represents someone of little intelligence who leads himself to a serious nerve breakdown. Such a person disrupts his life through his own actions and sins and is despised in people's eyes. A gibbon in a dream also represents a toadyingperson, though proud. He also represents astonishment and forgetfu lness. (Also see Monkey) Gift: Receiving a gift in a dream is a sign of happiness, joy, love and friendship. A gift in a dream also means reconciliation between adversaries, promoting unity, oritcouIdmeanbetrothal ofone'sdaughtertoagoodman. (AlsoseeDonation; Endowment) Gigantic: (See Giant) Glider: (Gold leaf) In a dream, a gilder represents a decorator, someone whomakes things attractive and pleasant or someone who coats things with sugar. In general, a gilder in a dream represents someone who is truthful in hiswords and actions. Ifa gilderoverlays gold leafover the cover ofa book in a dream, it means that he is lying, falsifying things, innovating and that he is a heedless person who loses his money in loathsome entertainments, corruption, or it could mean that he works for a religious institution.