Dictionary of Dreams
164 IBN SEERIN'S Fishing: Fishing in a dream means womanizing. (Also see Hunter) Fist fight: (See Punch) Fitting room: (See Dressing room) Five fingers: (Hand) I n a dream, the fingers of the right hand represent the daily five time prayers. The thumb represents the pre-dawn prayer, the index represents the midday prayer, the middle finger represents the mid-afternoon prayer, the ring finger represents the sunset prayer, and the little finger represents the eveningprayer. As for thefingers ofthe lefthand in a dream, they are interpreted to represent one's nephews. To cross or intertwine one's fingers in a dream means difficulties and poverty. (Also see BodyI; Fingers; Thimble) Five times prayers: (Communication; Communion; Invocations; Prayers; arb. tialiit) To see oneselfperformingone's obligatory prayers (arb. FarGhJ in a dreammeans receiving a high ranking appointment, spiritual advancement, leadership, presiding over people, delivering a message, performing a duty, paying dues, turningover one's trust or satisfyingobligatory deeds and enjoyingpeace. Ifone sees himself in a dream performing one of the five obligatory prayers on time, having performed the proper ablution and correctly completed its obeisance of the proper standing, bowing and prostratingpostures, standingwith reverence and piety and facing the Ka'aba, it means that he will perform a religious duty or attend the annual pilgrimage in Mecca. I t also means that he will extricate himself from an unjust deed he fell into and repent, or it could mean eschewing evil. Performing the divinely ordained prayers in dream also means loyalty to one's promise, employment for a person who could not find a job, or reconcili ation with a long forsaken friend or relative. If one leads the prayers in his dream, itmeans that he will guarantee something to someone, or it couldmeans that he will borrowmoney for a term. Ifonepraysbehind an Imam in the dream, it means that he will become a burden to others. Themidday prayers known in Arabic as Zuhur signify a manifestation, a proclamation or exposing what is hidden. Praying Zuhur in a dreammeans attaining one's goal, satisfying every need, obtaining everything one has asked for from earthly gains in this world, or it could mean spiritual benefits in the hereafter and particularly if one sees himselfcompleting his prayers in the dream. Completing one's prayers means achieving one's goal. If one is incarcerated because of a debt and sees himself completing his Zuhur prayers in a dream, it means that someone will pay his debt for him and gets him released from prison and he will then prosper. If one sees himselfperforming his Zuhur prayers in a clear day and feels happy about it in his dream, it means that he will engage in some work that will make him famous and that he will enjoy the fruits of his work as much as he did in that clear and beautiful day in his dream. If one performs his middayZuhur prayers in a cloudy day in a dream, it means that his work will be distressful. As for the mid-afternoon prayers, known in Arabic as 'A§.r. performing it in a dream means taking a vowor making a promise. This prayer in a dream also represents one's liability. If one sees himself performing the 'A�r prayers in a dream, it means that what he is asking for will materialize, though after some hardships and adversities. If one does not complete his 'A§.r prayers in a dream, it means that what he is asking for may not take place. If one sees himself performing the sunset prayers, known in Arabic as Ma.idlrib in a dream, it means that what he is seeking has reachd its term. If one completes his Maghrib prayers in the dream, it means that he will get what his heart desires. As for the night prayer, known in Arabic as 'Imii. If one sees himself performing his 'Ishii prayers in a dream, it means that he will complete his work and get what he wants, or it could mean theend ofhisBfe, followingwhich, one usually attends to his resting time, which is similar to death. If one sees himself performing the daybreak prayers before dawn in a dream, it means that the morning has come and it will be soon