Dictionary of Dreams
104 IBN SEERIN'S will grow to be a despicable and a corrupt person. Seeing a flock of crows inside one's house in a dream means gaining wealth and honor up to the end of one's life. It also could represent people who speak ill of others or backbite them. A crow in a dream also represents a vicious fighterwho fightsjust for himself and who is keen at acquiring what he wants, or it could represent a grave digger or bad news, a bad omen, mismanagement ofone's life or business, a longjotlrney, trouble, adversities or calling a curse upon someone, adultery or it could represent someone who mixes good with bad qualities. Seeing a jackdaw in a dream means a bad crop. Fighting a crow in a dream means fighting someone ofsuch character. Holding a crow in one's hand in a dream means self-deception and pride. A crow inside one's shop in a dream means a corrupt person in that company. Huntingcrows in a dreammeans gains from unlawful sources. Seeing a crow standing over a grave in a dream means that one will die in that place, or that one will discover somethingabout which he had no knowledge. (Also see Baby crow; Carrion crow; Raven) Crowd: (Throng) Seeing a crowd gathering or standing in line or a large number of people suffering in wretchedness in a dream means increase in one's power, rising in station, gaining fame and recognition. Ifa merchant or a business man sees a crowd ofpeople in a dream, it means growth in his business and increase in his clientele. If a preacher sees that in his dream, it means that his followers will grow in number. Crown of a king: Wearing a crown in a dream means increase in money and children. For a woman, wearing a crown means marriage to a foreigner. For a man, wearing a crown in a dream implies overcoming false allegations. If a merchant sees himself wearing a crown in a dream, it means loss of business and influence. If a ruler sees himself wearing a crown in a dream, it means failure in his religious commitment. If a king sees his crown being taken away from him in a dream, it means that he may be killed or lose his kingdom. Crown of thorn: (Diadem; Garland; Wreath. See Crown ofa king) Crown: For a Muslim, a crown in a dream represents the HolyQur'an, knowledge, prosperity or marriage to a wealthy woman. Wearing a crown in a dream means begettinga son, movinginto a newcityor forcing an enemy to retreat. Ifawoman sees herselfwearing acrown in a dream, it meansmarriage to a noble and a high ranking person. If she is married and pregnant, it means she will beget a son. If a prisoner sees himselfwearing a crown in a dream, it means that he will be released fromjail and regain his dignity. Wearing a crown studded or inlaid with gems in a dream is better than wearing a plain golden crown. Wearing a golden crown in a dream is also a bad omen. If a widow sees herself wearing a crown studded with gems in a dream, it means marriage to a wealthy person from another country. If the crown is made of gold in the dream, it means that she will marry an old man whom she will shortly inherit. If an unjust ruler sees himself wearing a golden crown in a dream, it means that he will lose his eyesight, while if he sees himself wearing a golden crown inlaid with gems in the dream, it means establishing trading interests with a foreign country. If a woman's crown is stolen in a dream, it means the death of her husband. (Also see Turban) Crucifixion: (Death; Punishment) In a dream, crucifixion means exaltation ofthe one who is put on the cross, or a high rank he will attain. If one who'qualifies for a leadership position sees himselfcrucified in a dream, it means that he will attain his goals. If he dies of his crucifixion in the dream, it means that he will lose faith or fail to applythe divine laws in his life. lfhe is crucified in the dream and does not die from it, it means that he will rule with justice. If an average person sees himselfcrucified in a dream, it means that he will be humiliated and suppressed. I f one sees himself raised to be crucified after he had died in a